Shalya Premier League – 2nd Edition
Posted on January 12, 2023
As wise men have time and again reckoned - A #healthymind resides in a #healthy body but today in this fast-paced lifestyle we hardly find any time to indulge...
As wise men have time and again reckoned - A #healthymind resides in a #healthy body but today in this fast-paced lifestyle we hardly find any time to indulge...
Shalya’s novel RFaST (Radio Frequency Ablation Scalpel Technology) is an advanced bipolar technology that can provide the advantages of cutting and coagulation using the same...
Shalya Participated in the 82nd Annual Conference of the Association of Surgeons of India (ASICON), which was held from 21st to 24th December 2022 at...
Team #Shalya participated in the #AWR Cadaveric Hands-on Workshop held on 18th December 2022 at #KEM #Hospital, Mumbai. This #surgical workshop was attended by more than 40 participants and was facilitated by some...
Team #Shalya participated in the 17th International Conference of the Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India (AMASICON), which was held in Guwahati from November 18–20, 2022...