Team #Shalya participated in #MASICON 2022, the 44th annual conference of the Maharashtra State Chapter of ASI hosted by Poona Surgical Society at JW #Marriott#Pune from 28th to 30th April.

This conference saw the #participation of our country’s finest and renowned #surgeons like Dr. Satish Dharap, Dr. Sameer Rege, Dr. Suraj Pawar, Dr. Ajay Punpale, Dr. Chetan Mhaske, Dr. Anil Heroor, Dr. Joseph D’Souza, Dr. Vasudeo Warke (who is one of the first users of Shalya products).

We were overwhelmed by the support and positive feedback received during this event, from the users of our products, thereby showing their #trust in our #brand.

Our entire Shalya family is thankful to all the members of ASI, Poona Surgical society for your constant support to our brand, as this keeps us motivated to move ahead in our mission of serving the industry with #innovative products of best #quality

Pradeep Narkhede HIREN JAYSWAL  Rajiv Ranjan Ketan Bait Vaibhav Shenoy

#surgeon #hospitals #team #healthcareinnovation #medicaldevicemanufacturer #medicalequipment #doctors #makeinindia 