This is a recent innovation in field of advance feedback controlled Electrosurgical Technology. System maintains the set power over wider range of tissue by sensing -voltage, current, power, tissue density, patient return electrode monitoring and leakage RF current-at "2000 TIMES" per second.
For polypectomy & papillotomy, cutting is smartly divided in cut & pause, so that coagulation occurs in each pause. The system is intelligent to change the pause interval as tissue density changes, hence produces fine cutting with coagulation effect.
Change in cut & pause as tissue demands. d„ d2, d, are dependent on the tissue impedance.
Patient Return Electrode Monitoring — PREM - is the care & safety against the return electrode site burns. This ensures burn-free electrosurgery using DUAL AREA patient return electrode by continuous monitoring the contact quality with the patient. PREM system gives an audio-visual alarm and stops the RF output ensuring the safe procedure.
Cut Modes : Achieves consistent cutting in all types of tissues by 6SENSE Technology.
SP Cut / Low Cut : Offers precision cutting at lower voltages, hence suitable for delicate cutting process where adjacent tissue damage should be minimum such as Neuro or ENT. This also reduces capacitive coupling in endoscopy hence suitable for such procedures.
Pure Cut : Suitable for clean & precisely controlled consistent cutting in all types of tissues. Minimum Dragging effect, useful for TURP.
Blended Cut : Consistent cutting power delivery with effective coagulation through a wide range of tissue types, reduces re-bleeding.
Coag Modes : These modes offer every range of coagulation ability for modern surgeries.
Desiccate : Specifically designed for contact coagulation at lower voltages, hence suitable for Neuro, ENT & Endoscopy cases.
Fulgurate : Suitable for non contact coagulation with moderate sparking in variety of applications such as cardiothoracic surgeries.
Spray Coag : Non touch coagulation for large areas with minimum depth of tissue damage & necrosis. Useful in Liver Cancer & Trauma.
Bipolar Modes : Delivers optimum Bipolar performance for improved coagulation.
Micro /Precise Bipolar : This mode offers clinical precision at lower voltages, prevent Sparking and reduce adjacent tissue damage used in Neuro, ENT, Ophthalmic surgery.
Standard Bipolar: Suitable for most of bipolar processes with optimized Coagulation.
Macro Bipolar / Bipolar Cutting : This mode offers smart control over consistent CUTTING effects in all types of tissues. Output is specifically designed for today's new generation of cutting instruments, bipolar needles and hooks.
In conventional spray coag, beam tends to follow the same path left by previous spark resulting in non uniform coagulation over larger area. By randomizing spray frequency & amplitude, spark tends to take multiple paths covering larger area.
Argon delivery along with electrosurgical RF current allows efficient non - contact, uniform superficial and faster coagulation for better clinical results. Very effective for superficial & high impedance tissue and reduces collateral tissue damage, hence suitable to use with delicate tissue. Argon enhancement reduces smoke during open and endoscopic surgeries.
UEM - Ultrasound Electrosurigcal Module :
System can be connected to work with ultrasonic surgical Aspirator system in Sp. Cut and Soft Coag modes.
BiCoag Alarm : Audio feedback after completion of Bipolar Coag, reduces charring and sticking.
AutoBip : Automatic Start & Stop of Bipolar current by tissue sensing without foot switch activation.
This is the unique feature of Shalya series, which system delivers two simultaneous coagulation outputs at a time with independent controL Two surgeons can work at a time on different surgical area in a same case with flexibility as using seperate ESU. This makes the system more useful in cardiovascular & trauma surgeries. (Optional feature in Shalya TURoSeal)
Surgeon can change power and mode settings of ESU directly from sterile surgical field using conventional hand switching electrosurgical pencil.
User set able and Preset Programs : This helps you in setting up the system very fast after turning ON.
By pressing PROGRAM key, power setting display shows procedure's name or number of program. After selection of required program, press RECALL just once to set system for selected application.
System features the self diagnostic function during self test at the time of starting ON to ensure smooth functioning. As soon as fault is detected, it gives alarm and error code is displayed. The Service manual may be referred to rectify the error.
In PWM, the LED is driven in pulse of particular duty cycle. Due to this, LED is turned ON only for limited period (ON period) and rest of the time it is turned OFF . This method allows LED to cool down between two Switch ON periods. This helps in extending the life of LED.
PWM Technology maintains constant intensity and colour temperature throughout each surgical procedure
High wattage LEDs are used which increases the efficacy of LED OT Light.
Hence output of 1 LED of 10W is 30% more than 10 LEDs of 1W.
Also PWM technology helps in extending the LED life.
The vertical distance between the point of maximum intensity (Ec) of illumination at the centre of the illuminating field (one meter from the surface emission of light) & the detection of the value of 60% of central illumination in upward direction (LI) and downward direction (L2).
These values added together (1_14.L2), gives the depth of illumination without the need to refocus. The higher level of illumination depth is very important especially incase of narrow and deep wound channel.
iLUX 20/40
Ec X 60% : 650mm
Ec X 20% : 1200mm
iLUX 10
Ec X 60% : 600mm
Ec X 20% : 1000mm
Shalya’s Argon Plasma Coagulation system – ArGon comes with a touchscreen-based user interface with features like inbuilt regulation, separate argon gas flow control, and ON/OFF control for Cut and Coagulation, pulse mode, and Argon gas level indicator.
When surgeon's head obstruct the light path emitted from the OR light; the intensity of the obstructed petal is reduced and intensity of other petals is boosted, there by maintaining the light intensity at surgical site and also keeps very low temperature at surgeon's head.
The Combination of Latest-generation white & colour LEDs provides a high colour rendering index (CRI) and a very good reproduction of red colours (R9).
With colour rendering indexes Ra above 95 and R9 (red) above 98 the surgeon recognizes clearly the tiniest shade of colour in tissue.